Kennett High School, Class of 1944
Faculty and Administration
Board of Education
D. Duer Reynolds (died May 31, 1965), President
Roy G. Jones (died Jan. 17, 1964), Vice President
Robert A. Craig (died July 28, 1956), Treasurer
Oscar H. Styer (died Jan. 8, 1979), Secretary
Frank M. Bartram (died March 26, 1956)
Angelo Bertrando (died April 10, 2000)
Ethel S. Crossan (died June 16, 1964)
Edward D. Hannum (died May 21, 1977)
W. Milo Jackson (died Jan. 18, 1985)
John Johnson (died Aug. 28, 1984)
Laura M. Ladley (died Nov. 29, 1958)
J. Walter Mercer (died Nov. 15, 1978)
Monroe L. Nute (died July 21, 1982)
A. Duer Pierce (died April 21, 1968)
C. Roland Pyle (died Dec. 3, 1976)
John L. Romig (died March 16, 1984)
Ray F. Schlaanstine (died April 14, 1987)
Hilborn D. Thatcher (died Feb. 16, 1945)
George L. Wilkinson (died Sept. 1, 1953)
Marshall Yeatman (died June 27, 1996)
High School Administration
W. Earle Rupert (died Nov. 17, 1951), Supervising Principal
High School Faculty
Mary G. Bilheimer (died May 24, 2000), Science
Marshall F. Brinton (died Sept. 21, 1984), Industrial Arts
Grace Bryan (died Feb. 14, 2000), Mathematics
Robert W. Cope (died May 16, 1984), French and Latin
Marguerite Flynn (died April 26, 2019), Commercial Studies
C. Gordon Johnstone (died Feb. 7, 1999), Science
Edwin B. Keim (died Dec. 23, 1996), Social Studies
Leo L. Lawrence (serving with the Armed Forces) (died Sept. 1, 1985), Commercial Studies
Mary Lobb (died Nov. 3, 1960), Household Arts
Joan MacInnes (died July 20, 2002), English
Evelyn McClain (died Sept. 7, 1968), English
Donald McKelvie (serving with the Armed Forces) (died Feb. 12, 1993), Science
Grace M. Merrick (died Aug. 22, 1990), English
Raymond M. Moynihan (died Oct. 4, 1965), Mathematics
Ray L. Ott (died Oct. 25, 1990), Music
Charles M. Paynter (died May 14, 2003), Physical Education
Charles W. Patterson (serving with the Armed Forces) (died Nov. 10, 1994), English
Roscoe A. Peters (died Nov. 26, 1986), Science
Howard T. Rayne (died May 30, 1985), Social Studies
Edna B. Reynolds (died Aug. 7, 1978), Commercial Studies
Stager Stemple (serving with the Armed Forces) (died Oct. 24, 2006), Commercial Studies
Robert G. Struble (died Feb. 15, 1980), Agriculture
Berenice E. Sundel (died Feb. 14, 1997), Physical Education
Kenneth Thomas (serving with the American Red Cross) (died Dec. 18, 1965), Social Studies
Dorothy H. Voorhees (died Sept. 1985), Social Studies
Alvin Wakeland (died Jan. 19, 1977), English and Latin
Hazel I. Wakeland (died July 29, 1993), Librarian
Florence Michener Webb (died Aug. 2, 1973), Commercial Studies
Edith Wise (died Jan. 2, 2017), Commercial Studies
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