Kennett High School, Class of 1922

Class Song

Were coming to the ending
Of these four long, glorious years;
We’re thinking of their spending
With joy and, maybe, tears.

We’ll never forget her,
We’ll always be her debtor,
We’ll ever stand by her
Kennett High so staunch and true;
But to us the dearest
And in our hearts the nearest,
Of her praise we never tire —
The Class of Twenty-two!

We’re going out forever
From the halls of Old Kennett
We’ve resolved to falter never, —
Set our hearts to do or die.

We’ll always remember,
From that earliest September,
Of the friends that we’ve cherished
And the tasks we’ve had to do;
Yes, in mem’ry we’ll keep her,
Our love will e’er grow deeper, —
Here’s to you, and to you!
To the Class of Twenty-two!
— Harrison Reinke


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